
As a fellow data enthusiast, I have been thinking of setting up a blog or website to get in touch with the wonderful data science community. Also I envisioned this platform to improve my skills and be relevant with the rapid changes happening in the data field. I will be posting notebooks related to projects that I am working on and articles on newest technologies that I am learning and implementing in the projects. Please provide constructive feedback that could help me overcome any shortcomings. If you find anything useful, please like or share.

For living I work as a Technical Solutions Architect at a mining solutions company. I am responsible for information management architecture, data integration, data quality, application integration and performance optimization. I am Passionate about enabling organizations to embrace analytics and foster data driven decision making process by integrating enterprise business application data using industry preferred data- integration tools.

I love to play tennis and currently working on a pet project to explore tennis dataset and create an interesting data application from it. Here is the link to the application that I am actively developing serve-aces

