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  1. Bokeh Application Using Quandl

    Bokeh dashboards using Quandl datasets

    Though I am not from financial industry, I can understand the need to track how precious commodities and stocks are performing over years. So I started looking into commodity/stock datasets available for creating useful charts/dashboard. One of my colleague told me about Quandl which has datasets realted to finance and economy sectors. So I set out to create a bokeh application using quandl data and this article outlines the steps performed to achieve it. In order to demonstrate how the app is built, I am going to choose a couple of stocks and commodities. You can extend it other quandl datasets.

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  2. Cut the Time

    1. Introduction

    1.1 Project Summary

    To ensure the safety and reliability of each and every unique car configuration before they hit the road, Daimler’s engineers have developed a robust testing system. But, optimizing the speed of their testing system for so many possible feature combinations is complex and time-consuming without a powerful algorithmic approach. As one of the world’s biggest manufacturers of premium cars, safety and efficiency are paramount on Daimler’s production lines.

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